Monday, November 2, 2009


Hi everyone! I know it has been a long time since we have posted but wanted to up date you about PVT Suter. He is in good spirits and enjoying his SOI (School of Infantry)training which he will graduate in 1 month. He is an assaultman - #0351(25 in his PLT or Co., can't remember) - ITB(Infantry Training Battalion), Alpha Co., (300+ boys), weapons platoon (100+). He has hiked and ran many miles through the hills of SD, shot rifles, AT-4 rocket launchers(he said he was the first one to do so, hitting perfect target- but was a dud!), and this week among other studies, vehicle Identifications, his specialty being European. He will soon know where his PDS (Permanent Duty Station) will be. For some reason he feels like maybe it will be Hawaii but no one knows in the Alpha Co. yet. He says there are a lot of classroom and have high expectations of themselves in order to pass-last week before passing, he was @ 96% and that was not good enough - for them. I'm happy that they are taking pride and expect nothing but perfection.......As they are getting combat ready in SOI, the attention to detail will be life and death later. We love all the Marines-especially the ALPHA Co., and furthermore: the weapons platoon. We pray for your safety and join you in Simper Fi.


  1. what are all his options for PDS?

  2. Brenda, He has a wish list that he turns in but no final say where they are sent.
