Thursday, June 18, 2009

Letter 6.18.09

We got a letter from Jake today and wanted to share it.

"I've decided to do this like a journal and write as often as I can. Little things I used to not appreciate, I appreciate now. Like the luxury of time telling. I know, weird, right? You'd think it'd be TV or video games or the internet. Sometimes it's the little things that matter. Time moves differently here than on the outside world. Time moves quickly, but when I hit the rack, it feels like it was ten years ago the last time I did. I don't know if that makes sense. Yesterday ended well, I got a priesthood blessing and that made me upbeat. I can't wait till this is over. I rethought my least favorite thing. It's either holding out my rifle or hygiene time. Rifles are: pick it up, put it down, touch the portholes, run to the back bulkhead. (Bulkhead is the wall and porthole is the window.) And yes we are in a regular building. It makes it hard to hold my ink stick (pen) and hygiene sucks. This recruit only got 700DI (Drill Instructor) seconds to shower, shave, and brush my teeth. So about 200 regular seconds. It's rough. Sometimes I dream about home when I sleep. That is THE worst, cause I always wake up here. I'm sending this out at around 0530 tomorrow. Please write every day if you can. Remember pictures. Again, every day please.

Recruit Suter"

I hope everyone can take a few minutes and write Jake when you get a chance. He is an amazing kid and I know he will succeed. I think he needs to hear us cheer him on.

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